Source code for pyteuf.tf_data

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########
# Copyright(c) 2018
# -----------------
# * Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes <>
# * Université d'Aix-Marseille <>
# * Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique <>
# * Université de Toulon <>
# Contributors
# ------------
# * Ronan Hamon <>
# * Valentin Emiya <>
# * Florent Jaillet <>
# Description
# -----------
# pyteuf is a package for time-frequency analysis in Python.
# Licence
# -------
# This file is part of pyteuf.
# pyteuf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########
"""Definition of a time-frequency data structure.

.. moduleauthor:: Valentin Emiya
.. moduleauthor:: Ronan Hamon
.. moduleauthor:: Florent Jaillet
from ltfatpy import plotdgtreal, plotdgt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from madarrays import MadArray
# TODO (future) add a `crop` method to return a TfData after removing boundary effects

[docs]class TfData(MadArray): """Subclass of :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray` to handle Time-Frequency representations of real signals. A TfData object is 2D :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray`, with either real or complex entries. It is initialized in the same way as a :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray` object using binary or complex masks (see documentation of :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray`) It also two additional dictionaries `tf_params` and `signal_params` that contain respectively the parameters of the time-frequency transformation, such as the hop size or the window, as well as the parameters needed to reconstruct the signals, such as the sampling frequency or the length. These two dictionaries can be used by any time-frequency transformation methods, and may be empty. Parameters ---------- data : array of shape (n_frequencies, n_frames) Time-frequency data matrix. mask : boolean array_like, optional See parameter `mask` in :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray` mask_magnitude : boolean array_like or None, optional See parameter `mask_magnitude` in :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray` mask_phase : boolean array_like or None, optional See parameter `mask_phase` in :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray` masked_indexing : bool or None, optional See parameter `masked_indexing` in :class:`~madarrays.mad_array.MadArray` tf_params : dict Time-frequency parameters. The dictionary keys should be parameters for the constructor of a :class:`~pyteuf.tf_transforms.Stft` object so that `Stft(**tf_params)` returns an STFT similar to the one used to generate the current :class:`~pyteuf.tf_data.TfData` object. signal_params : dict Parameters of the original signal. The dictionary keys should be the sampling frequency `fs` and the length `sig_len` of the original signal (useful to reconstruct a signal of the exact same length as the original one). Attributes ---------- tf_params : dict Time-frequency parameters (as described in the parameters section). signal_params : dict Parameters of the original signal (as described in the parameters section). See also -------- :class:`madarrays.mad_array.MadArray` """ def __new__(cls, data, tf_params=None, signal_params=None, mask=None, mask_magnitude=None, mask_phase=None, masked_indexing=None): obj = super().__new__(cls, data, mask=mask, mask_magnitude=mask_magnitude, mask_phase=mask_phase, masked_indexing=masked_indexing) # Check TF arguments if tf_params is None: if isinstance(data, TfData): tf_params = data.tf_params else: tf_params = {} if signal_params is None: if isinstance(data, TfData): signal_params = data.signal_params else: signal_params = {} # test that the array is two-dimensional if not obj.ndim == 2: errmsg = '`data` should be a two-dimensional ndarray.' raise ValueError(errmsg) # add the supplementary attributes obj.tf_params = tf_params.copy() obj.signal_params = signal_params.copy() return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): super().__array_finalize__(obj) self.tf_params = getattr(obj, 'tf_params', {}) self.signal_params = getattr(obj, 'signal_params', {}) def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): output = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs) if isinstance(output, MadArray): output = output.view(TfData) tf_data = inputs[0] if isinstance(inputs[0], TfData) else inputs[1] output.tf_params = tf_data.tf_params output.signal_params = tf_data.signal_params return output @property def n_frequencies(self): """ Number of Fourier frequencies (int). If the original signal is real, the number of frequencies correspond to non-negative Fourier frequencies and negative frequencies are discarded due to Hermitian symmetry, while the number of bins specified in the transform correspond to all (positive and negative) frequencies. """ return self.shape[0] @property def n_frames(self): """Number of frames (int).""" return self.shape[1] @property def frequencies(self): """ Array of Fourier frequencies (array of shape (n_frequencies,)) """ fs = self.signal_params['fs'] if 'fs' in self.signal_params else 1 n_bins = self.tf_params['n_bins'] if 'n_bins' in self.tf_params else 1 return np.arange(self.n_frequencies) / n_bins * fs @property def start_times(self): """Starting times of all the frames (array of shape (n_frames,)). Starting times are computed by considering that the first frame is centered at time 0 and returned as an array of floats values with starting times in seconds. """ win_len = self.tf_params['win_len'] if 'win_len' in self.tf_params \ else 1 fs = self.signal_params['fs'] if 'fs' in self.signal_params else 1 return self.mid_times - np.floor((win_len - 1) / 2) / fs @property def mid_times(self): """Middle times of all the frames (array of shape (n_frames,)). Middle times are computed by considering that the first frame is centered at time 0 and returned as an array of floats values with middle times in seconds. """ hop = self.tf_params['hop'] if 'hop' in self.tf_params else 1 fs = self.signal_params['fs'] if 'fs' in self.signal_params else 1 return np.arange(self.n_frames) * hop / fs @property def end_times(self): """Ending times of all the frames (array of shape (n_frames,)). End times are computed by considering that the first frame is centered at time 0 and returned as an array of floats values with ending times in seconds. """ win_len = self.tf_params['win_len'] if 'win_len' in self.tf_params \ else 1 fs = self.signal_params['fs'] if 'fs' in self.signal_params else 1 return self.mid_times + np.floor((win_len - 1) / 2) / fs @property def magnitude_spectrogram(self): """Magnitude spectrogram (TfData).""" return TfData(np.abs(self), mask=self.get_unknown_mask('magnitude')) @property def energy_spectrogram(self): """Power spectrogram (TfData).""" return TfData(np.abs(self)**2, mask=self.get_unknown_mask('magnitude')) @property def phase(self): """Phase (TfData).""" # np.angle does not return a TfData object return TfData(np.angle(self), mask=self.get_unknown_mask('phase'), tf_params=self.tf_params, signal_params=self.signal_params)
[docs] def signal_is_complex(self): """Indicate if the TF representation includes negative frequencies.""" if 'n_bins' not in self.tf_params: errmsg = 'Missing information in `tf_params`: n_bins' raise ValueError(errmsg) return self.n_frequencies == self.tf_params['n_bins']
[docs] def plot_spectrogram(self, mask_type='any', **kwargs): """Display the spectrogram of the STFT. Parameters ---------- mask_type : {'any', 'all', 'magnitude', 'phase', 'magnitude_only', \ 'phase_only'}, optional Type of mask to be displayed as unknown data. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs : :func:`~ltfatpy.gabor.tfplot.tfplot` properties, optional `kwargs` are used to specify properties like the dynamic range, colormap, and so on. See documentation of :func:`~ltfatpy.gabor.tfplot.tfplot`. Note that the sampling frequency may not be included in `kwargs` since it is read from attribute :attr:`signal_params`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The processed image data used in the plotting as returned by :meth:`~ltfatpy.gabor.plotdgt.plotdgt` or :meth:`~ltfatpy.gabor.plotdgt.plotdgtreal`. """ mask = self.get_unknown_mask(mask_type) array = np.array(self) array[mask] = np.nan if len(plt.gcf().axes) > 1: plt.gcf().delaxes(plt.gcf().axes[1]) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(right=1.1) # clear the current axis if self.signal_is_complex(): image_data = plotdgt(coef=array, a=self.tf_params['hop'], fs=self.signal_params['fs'], **kwargs) else: image_data = plotdgtreal(coef=array, a=self.tf_params['hop'], M=self.n_frequencies, fs=self.signal_params['fs'], **kwargs) return image_data
[docs] def plot_mask(self, mask_type='any', **kwargs): """Display the mask as an image, with several possible mask types Parameters ---------- mask_type : {'any', 'all', 'magnitude', 'phase', 'magnitude only', \ 'phase only'}, optional Type of mask to be displayed, with True values for unknown data. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs : :func:`~ltfatpy.gabor.tfplot.tfplot` properties, optional `kwargs` are used to specify properties like the dynamic range, colormap, and so on. See documentation of :func:`~ltfatpy.gabor.tfplot.tfplot`. Note that the sampling frequency may not be included in `kwargs` since it is read from attribute :attr:`signal_params`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The processed image data used in the plotting as returned by :meth:`~ltfatpy.gabor.plotdgt.plotdgt` or :meth:`~ltfatpy.gabor.plotdgt.plotdgtreal`. """ mask = self.get_unknown_mask(mask_type) if self.signal_is_complex(): image_data = plotdgt(coef=mask, a=self.tf_params['hop'], fs=self.signal_params['fs'], clim=(0, 1), normalization='lin', **kwargs) else: image_data = plotdgtreal(coef=mask, a=self.tf_params['hop'], M=self.n_frequencies, fs=self.signal_params['fs'], clim=(0, 1), normalization='lin', **kwargs) return image_data
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy the object. Returns ------- TfData """ return TfData(self)
def __str__(self): string = ['========================', 'TF representation', '------------------------', 'TF parameters', '{}'.format(self.tf_params), '------------------------', 'Signals parameters', '{}'.format(self.signal_params), '------------------------', '{} frequency bins'.format(self.n_frequencies), '{} frames'.format(self.n_frames)] return '\n'.join(string) def __repr__(self): string = '<TfData at {}>' return string.format(hex(id(self)))