Source code for yafe.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########
# Copyright(c) 2018
# -----------------
# * Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes <>
# * Université d'Aix-Marseille <>
# * Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique <>
# * Université de Toulon <>
# Contributors
# ------------
# * Ronan Hamon <>
# * Valentin Emiya <>
# * Florent Jaillet <>
# Description
# -----------
# yafe: Yet Another Framework for Experiments.
# Licence
# -------
# This file is part of yafe.
# yafe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########
"""Base functions and classes for experiments.

.. moduleauthor:: Ronan Hamon
.. moduleauthor:: Valentin Emiya
.. moduleauthor:: Florent Jaillet

Designing an :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment`

Designing an experiment consists in

* Creating an :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment` object which includes, as
  arguments of the constructor:

    * a ``get_data`` function to load data,
    * a ``get_problem`` class or function to generate problems from the data,
    * a ``get_solver`` class or function to solve problems,
    * a ``measure`` function to compute performance.

* Adding tasks to the :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment` object by specifying the
  data, problem and solver parameters.

The API for designing an experiment is described below and is illustrated in
the :ref:`yafe tutorial </_notebooks/yafe.ipynb>`.

Loading data: ``get_data`` and data parameters
Experiments are often applied to several data items.
Items may be entries loaded from a dataset or data synthesized from some
control parameters.

The input of function ``get_data`` is one or several parameters that
characterize which data item must be returned.

The output of function ``get_data`` is a dictionary with arbitrary keys and
whom values are the returned data.

Note that in the current version, ``get_data`` should have at least one
parameter (which may take a single value).


* For a dataset of ``n`` items, one may design a ``get_data(i_item)`` function
  that takes an integer ``i_item``, load item number ``i_item`` in a variable
  ``x`` and returns a dictionary ``{'data_item': x}`` ; one may then add
  tasks using ``data_params = {'i_item': np.arange(n)}``.
* For synthetic data, one may design a ``get_data(f0)`` function
  that takes an real-valued frequency ``f0``, synthesize a sinusoid with
  frequency ``f0`` in a variable ``x`` and returns a dictionary
  ``{'signal': x}`` ; one may then add tasks using
  ``data_params = {'f0': np.linspace(0, 1, 10)}``.

Generating problems: ``get_problem`` and problem parameters
Problems to be solved are generated from the data. Several instances of a
problem may be generated from one data item, by varying some problem
parameters, e.g., amount of noise. Thus, designing the problem generation
stage consists in specifying how to turn problems parameters and data into
problem data (and solution). This may be done equivalently by a class or a

``get_problem`` may be a class, in which case:

* the inputs of the ``__init__`` method are the parameters of the problem,
* the parameters of the ``__call__`` method must match the keys of the
  dictionary obtained from ``get_data``,
* the output of the ``__call__`` method is a tuple
  ``(problem_data, solution_data)`` where ``problem_data`` is a dictionary
  containing the problem data for the solver and ``solution_data`` is a
  dictionary containing the solution of the problem for the performance

Thus, an instance of that class is generated for each set of problem
parameters and is called on data to generate the problem data and its solution.

Alternatively, ``get_problem`` may be a function, in which case:

* its inputs are the parameters of the problem,
* its output must be a function that takes some data as inputs and returns the
  tuple ``(problem_data, solution_data)`` as described in the case above.

Note that in the current version, ``get_problem`` should have at least one
parameter (which may take a single value).

Solving problems: ``get_solver`` and solver parameters
A solver generates a solution from some problem data. Several instances of a
solver may be used by varying the solver's parameters, e.g., the order of the
model. As for problems, solvers can be implemented equivalently by a
class or a function.

``get_solver`` may be a class, in which case:

* the inputs of the ``__init__`` method are the parameters of the solver,
* the parameters of the ``__call__`` method must match the keys of the
  dictionary obtained from the problem generation method ``__call__``,
* the output of the ``__call__`` method is a dictionary containing the solution
  generated by the solver.

Alternatively, ``get_solver`` may be a function, in which case:

* its inputs are the parameters of the solver,
* its output must be a function that takes some problem data as inputs and
  returns a dictionary containing the solution generated by the solver,
  similarly as the ``__call__`` method described above.

Note that in the current version, ``get_solver`` should have at least one
parameter (which may take a single value).

Computing performance: ``measure``
Several performance measures may be calculated from the estimated solution,
using other data like the original data, the problem data, or parameters of
the data, problem or solver.

These performance measures must be computed within a *function* ``measure``
as follows:

* its arguments should be dictionaries ``source_data``, ``problem_data``,
  ``solution_data`` and ``solved_data``, as returned by the data access
  function, the ``__call__`` methods of problem generation class and the
  ``__call__`` methods of solver class, respectively; an additional argument
  ``task_params`` is a dictionary that contains the data, problem and solver
* its output is a dictionary whose keys and values are the names and values of
  the various performance measures.

Setting data, problem and solver parameters: adding tasks

Once an instance of :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment` is created based on
the four processing blocks given by functions or classes  ``get_data``,
``get_problem``, ``get_solver`` and ``measure``, one must define the
parameters that must be used for each of these blocks. This is done by
calling method :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.add_tasks`: its inputs
are three dictionaries ``data_params``, ``problem_params`` and
``solver_params`` whose keys match the input of ``get_data``, ``get_problem``
and ``get_solver`` respectively, and whose values are array-like objects
containing the parameters that must be used in the instances of those
processing blocks. A hypercube is automatically generated, based on the
cartesian product of all the arrays of parameters (internally stored in a
so-called *schema*). Each point in this hypercube is a full set of
parameters to define a so-called *task* by generating some particular instances
of data, problem and solver.

Running an :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment`

Once an :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment` is defined and tasks have been added,
one can run the tasks by calling method
:meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.launch_experiment`, which executes all the
tasks, except those that may have already been executed previously. At any
time, one may control the execution of the tasks by calling method

Running an :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment` on a cluster
Tasks may also be executed in parallel, individually or in batches, by
specifying the parameter ``task_ids`` in
:meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.launch_experiment`. Function
:func:`~yafe.utils.generate_oar_script` may be used or taken as an example to
split the set of tasks among jobs that can be run by several cores in parallel.

Adding tasks
Method :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.add_tasks` may be used to add new
parameter values, in which case the parameter hypercube is extended,
recomputing all cartesian products between parameters, and new tasks are
created while results from already-executed tasks are kept.

Collecting results
Method :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.collect_results` gathers the task results
into a single structure and saves it into a single file. Method
:meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.load_results` then loads and returns the
results so that the user can process and display them. The main structure
that contains the results is a multi-dimensional array which dimensions match
the parameters of the tasks (see above) and the performance measures (last
dimension). This array may be loaded as an :class:`numpy.ndarray` or as a


Tasks IDs and parameters
Task IDs are generated from the parameters and depend on the sequence of
calls to method :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.add_tasks`. Finding a task ID
from a set of parameters and vice-versa is not trivial and may be done by
calling methods :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.get_task_data_by_id` and

Dealing with several solvers
In order to compare several solvers, one may design one experiment by
solver, using the same generators and parameters for data and problems,
and merge the results.

Random seeds (reproducibility, consistent problem generation)
It is often important to control the random seeds, e.g., in order to reproduce
the experiments. Since all the tasks are run independently, controlling the
random seed is also required in order to have the exact same problem data and
solution in all tasks with the same data parameters and problem parameters,
especially when noise is added.

This can be obtained by using the *random state* mechanism provided by
:class:`numpy.random.RandomState`. The random state seed may be used inside
each block (see ``get_problem`` in
:ref:`yafe tutorial </_notebooks/yafe.ipynb>`) or passed as a parameter to
each processing block (as in ``scikit-learn``).

Files and folders

A number of files and subfloders are generated in a folder named as the
experiment's name and located in the ``data_path`` set when creating the
experiment. The user may not need to handle those files since results are then
collected automatically, unless in case of tracking errors.

At the experiment level, a so-called *schema* is generated and contains all
the data, problem and solver parameters (file ``_schema.pickle``). Results
from all tasks are gathered in a single file ``results.npz``.

At the task level, a sub-directory is created for each task. It contains
several files generated when the task is created (parameters of the task in
``task_params.pickle``), when the task is run (raw data in
``source_data.pickle``, problem data in ``problem_data.pickle``,
true solution in ``solution_data.pickle``, solved data in
``solved_data.pickle``, performance measures in ``result.pickle``) and when
an error occurs during any processing step when running a task (``error_log``).

.. _yafe_configuration_file:

:mod:`yafe` configuration file

The :mod:`yafe` package uses a configuration file stored in
``$HOME/.config/yafe.conf`` to specify the default ``data_path`` used to store
the experiment data, as well as the default ``logger_path`` used to store
the processing log.

You can create an empty configuration file by running the static method
:meth:`~yafe.utils.ConfigParser.generate_config` and then edit the generated
file in ``$HOME/.config/yafe.conf``.

The resulting configuration file should have the following form::

    # user directory (data generated by experiments)
    data_path = /some/directory/path

    # path to the log file
    path = /some/file/path/yafe.log

If you want to avoid the use of the :mod:`yafe` configuration file, you need
to systematically specify the ``data_path`` and ``logger_path`` parameters when
creating an :class:`~yafe.base.Experiment` (or alternatively for
``logger_path`` you can set the flag ``log_to_file`` to ``False``).
from collections import OrderedDict
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import shutil
import sys
import traceback

import numpy as np

from .utils import get_logger, ConfigParser

[docs]class Experiment: """Definition of a class to design experiments. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the experiment, used to store experiment data in an eponym subfolder. get_data : function A function that returns data from some data parameters. get_problem : callable class or function A class or function that takes some problem parameters and returns a callable object that takes input data from method ``get_data`` and returns some problem data and true solution data. get_solver : callable object or function A class or function that takes some solver parameters and returns a callable object that takes problem data from method ``get_problem`` and returns some solution data. measure : function Function that takes some task information and data returned by methods ``get_data``, ``get_problem`` and ``get_solver`` in order to compute one or several performance measures. force_reset : bool Flag forcing resetting the Experiment during initialization. If True, the previously computed data stored on disk for the Experiment with the same name are destroyed. If False, the previously computed data are reused (default option). data_path : None or str or pathlib.Path Path of the folder where the experiment data subfolder must be created. If ``data_path`` is ``None``, the data path given in the yafe configuration file is used. log_to_file : bool Indicates if the processing and debug information must be logged in a file. log_to_console : bool Indicates if the processing information must be displayed in the console. logger_path : None or str or pathlib.Path Full file path where the logged data must be written when ``log_to_file == True``. If ``logger_path`` is ``None`` the logger path given in the yafe configuration file is used. """ def __init__(self, name, get_data, get_problem, get_solver, measure, force_reset=False, data_path=None, log_to_file=True, log_to_console=False, logger_path=None): # store attributes = str(name) if data_path is None: data_path = ConfigParser().get_path('USER', 'data_path') self.xp_path = data_path / else: self.xp_path = Path(data_path) / self.get_data = get_data self.get_problem = get_problem self.get_solver = get_solver meas_params = inspect.signature(measure).parameters meas_expected_params = ('task_params', 'source_data', 'problem_data', 'solution_data', 'solved_data') for param in meas_expected_params: if param not in meas_params: msg = ('Wrong signature for measure. measure must accept the ' 'following parameters: ' '{}.'.format(', '.join(meas_expected_params))) raise TypeError(msg) self.measure = measure self.logger = get_logger('xp_{}'.format(, log_to_file, log_to_console, logger_path) if not self.xp_path.exists():'Init experiment %s', self._create_dirs_and_schema() return if force_reset: self.reset() return'Load experiment %s', if (self.xp_path / '_schema.pickle').exists(): # Check that the existing schema is coherent with the signature # of the provided functions schema_keys = [ ('data', par) for par in inspect.signature(self.get_data).parameters] schema_keys += [ ('problem', par) for par in inspect.signature(self.get_problem).parameters] schema_keys += [ ('solver', par) for par in inspect.signature(self.get_solver).parameters] if set(self._schema.keys()) != set(schema_keys): msg = ('The schema of the Experiment does not match the ' 'schema of the Experiment with the same name stored in ' '{}.'. format(str(self.xp_path))) raise RuntimeError(msg) else:'No _schema.pickle file found, ' 'resetting experiment %s', self.reset() def __str__(self): string = 'Name: {}\n'.format( string += 'Data stored in: {}\n'.format(self.xp_path) logger_path = None for handler in self.logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler): logger_path = handler.baseFilename break if logger_path is None: string += 'Not storing any debug information\n' else: string += 'Debug information stored in: {}\n'.format(logger_path) string += 'Data provider: {}\n'.format(self.get_data) string += 'Problem provider : {}\n'.format(self.get_problem) string += 'Solver provider: {}\n'.format(self.get_solver) string += 'Measure: {}\n'.format(self.measure) string += '\n' string += 'Parameters:\n' data_param_str = '' problem_param_str = '' solver_param_str = '' for (cat, param_name), val in self._schema.items(): if cat == 'data': data_param_str += ' {}: {}\n'.format(param_name, val) elif cat == 'problem': problem_param_str += ' {}: {}\n'.format(param_name, val) else: # cat == 'solver': solver_param_str += ' {}: {}\n'.format(param_name, val) string += ' Data parameters:\n' string += data_param_str string += ' Problem parameters:\n' string += problem_param_str string += ' Solver parameters:\n' string += solver_param_str string += '\n' string += 'Status:\n' string += self._get_status(True) return string
[docs] def reset(self): """Remove all tasks and previsouly computed results."""'Reset experiment %s', if self.xp_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(str(self.xp_path)) self._create_dirs_and_schema()
def _create_dirs_and_schema(self): self.xp_path.mkdir() (self.xp_path / 'tasks').mkdir() schema = {} for data_param in inspect.signature(self.get_data).parameters: schema[('data', data_param)] = [] for problem_param in inspect.signature(self.get_problem).parameters: schema[('problem', problem_param)] = [] for solver_param in inspect.signature(self.get_solver).parameters: schema[('solver', solver_param)] = [] self._schema = schema @property def _schema(self): """Schema of the parameters for each section of the experiment. Parameters ---------- _schema : dict Schema of parameters of the experiment. Notes ----- The content is written in a pickle file. Use I/O with caution. """ schema_path = self.xp_path / '_schema.pickle' if not schema_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'Missing _schema file for xp {}'.format( else: with open(str(schema_path), 'rb') as fin: schema = pickle.load(file=fin) return schema @_schema.setter def _schema(self, schema): schema_path = self.xp_path / '_schema.pickle' with open(str(schema_path), 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(schema, file=fout) # Task management (methods for internal use, should not be called by user) def _has_item(self, type_item, idt): """Indicates if an item of a given task exists or not. Parameters ---------- type_item : str Type of requested item ({'task_params', 'source_data', 'problem_data', 'solved_data', 'result'}) idt : int Id of the item. Returns ------- bool Return True if the item for the given task exists, otherwise False. """ filename = type_item + '.pickle' path_item = self.xp_path / 'tasks' / '{:06}'.format(idt) / filename return path_item.exists() def _read_item(self, type_item, idt): """Load an item from the id. Parameters ---------- type_item : str Type of requested item. idt : int Id of the item. Returns ------- dict or None """ path_task = self.xp_path / 'tasks' / '{:06}'.format(idt) if self._has_item(type_item, idt): filename = type_item + '.pickle' with open(str(path_task / filename), 'rb') as fin: return pickle.load(file=fin) else: return None def _write_item(self, type_item, idt, content): """Write an item with the id. Parameters ---------- type_item : str Type of requested item. id : int Id of the item. content : str Content to write. Should be JSON serializable. """ task_path = self.xp_path / 'tasks' / '{:06}'.format(idt) if not task_path.exists(): task_path.mkdir() filename = type_item + '.pickle' with open(str(task_path / filename), 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(content, file=fout) def _delete_item(self, idt, type_item=''): """Delete an item from the id of a task. Parameters ---------- idt : int Id of the item. type_item : str Type of requested item. If empty, delete all items of the task. """ path_task = self.xp_path / 'tasks' / '{:06}'.format(idt) if type_item == '': if path_task.exists(): shutil.rmtree(str(path_task)) else: if self._has_item(type_item, idt): filename = type_item + '.pickle' os.remove(str(path_task / filename)) def _get_all_items(self, type_item, only_ids=False): """Get all items of the experiment. Parameters ---------- type_item : str Type of requested item. only_ids : bool, optional Indicates if only ids of items are retrieved. Returns ------- [dict, list] List of ids or dict keyed by the ids. """ # create an empty container items = [] if only_ids else {} # get each item and insert it for task_path in (self.xp_path / 'tasks').glob('*'): filename = type_item + '.pickle' if (task_path / filename).exists(): task_id = int(task_path.stem) if only_ids: items.append(task_id) else: items[task_id] = self._read_item(type_item, task_id) return items # Experiment management def _handle_exception_in_run_task(self, exc, idt, task_params): self.logger.exception(exc) exc_traceback = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) error_log = 'Task {}\n\nTask parameters:\n{}\n\n{}'.format( idt, str(task_params), ''.join(exc_traceback)) self._write_item('error_log', idt, error_log)
[docs] def add_tasks(self, data_params, problem_params, solver_params): """Add tasks using combinations of parameters. Parameters ---------- data_params : dict Parameters of generation of the dataset. problem_params : dict Parameters of generation of the problem. solver_params : dict Parameters of generation of the solver. Raises ------ TypeError If parameters are not dict. ValueError If parameters contain unexpected keys. Notes ----- * All parameters should be dict, keyed by the name of the parameter and valued by a list. * Tasks are generated as the cartesian product of the sets of parameters. If parameters are added by successive calls to :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.add_tasks`, the resulting set of tasks is the cartesian product of all updated sets of parameters (which is equivalent to the set of tasks obtained by calling :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.add_tasks` only once with all the parameters). """ # check that params are dict if not isinstance(data_params, dict): raise TypeError('data_params should be a dict') if not isinstance(problem_params, dict): raise TypeError('problem_params should be a dict') if not isinstance(solver_params, dict): raise TypeError('solver_params should be a dict') # convert non-iterable elements in list for key, value in data_params.items(): if not hasattr(value, '__iter__') or isinstance(value, str): data_params[key] = [value] for key, value in problem_params.items(): if not hasattr(value, '__iter__') or isinstance(value, str): problem_params[key] = [value] for key, value in solver_params.items(): if not hasattr(value, '__iter__') or isinstance(value, str): solver_params[key] = [value] # update the _schema schema = self._schema def sort_key(a): return -1 if a is None else a for key, value in data_params.items(): label = ('data', key) if label not in schema: errmsg = '{} is not a parameter for getting data.' raise ValueError(errmsg.format(key)) else: schema[label] = sorted( list(set(schema[label]).union(set(value))), key=sort_key) for key, value in problem_params.items(): label = ('problem', key) if label not in schema: errmsg = '{} is not a parameter for getting the problem.' raise ValueError(errmsg.format(key)) else: schema[label] = sorted( list(set(schema[label]).union(set(value))), key=sort_key) for key, value in solver_params.items(): label = ('solver', key) if label not in schema: errmsg = '{} is not a parameter for getting the solver.' raise ValueError(errmsg.format(key)) else: schema[label] = sorted( list(set(schema[label]).union(set(value))), key=sort_key) self._schema = schema
[docs] def generate_tasks(self): """Generate the tasks from _schema. Already existing tasks are not rewritten. """ # get _schema schema = self._schema # get the existing tasks existing_task_params = [ dict(item) for item in self._get_all_items('task_params').values()] n_tasks_added = 0 n_existing_tasks = len(existing_task_params) data_params = dict() problem_params = dict() solver_params = dict() for label in schema.keys(): cat, key = label if cat == 'data': data_params[key] = schema[label] elif cat == 'problem': problem_params[key] = schema[label] else: # cat == 'solver': solver_params[key] = schema[label] def param_grid(param_dict): res = [] keys, values = zip(*param_dict.items()) for val in itertools.product(*values): params = dict(zip(keys, val)) res.append(params) return res # get cartesian products of parameters parameters = param_grid({'data_params': param_grid(data_params), 'problem_params': param_grid(problem_params), 'solver_params': param_grid(solver_params)}) # for each set of parameter, write the corresponding task for params in [item for item in parameters if item not in existing_task_params]: self._write_item('task_params', n_existing_tasks + n_tasks_added, params) n_tasks_added += 1
[docs] def run_task_by_id(self, idt): """Run a task given an id. Parameters ---------- idt : int Id of the task. """'Loading task %s', idt) task_params = self._read_item('task_params', idt) if task_params is None: err_msg = 'Unknown task: {}'.format(idt) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise ValueError(err_msg) self.logger.debug('Task %s: %s', idt, str(task_params)) if self._has_item('error_log', idt): 'Task %s, remove error log from previous run', idt) self._delete_item(idt, 'error_log') try: if self._has_item('source_data', idt): 'Task %s, source data already generated', idt) source_data = self._read_item('source_data', idt) else:'Task %s, generating source data', idt) source_data = self.get_data(**task_params['data_params']) self._write_item('source_data', idt, source_data) self.logger.debug('Task %s, source data : %s', idt, {k: type(v) for k, v in source_data.items()}) except Exception as exc: self._handle_exception_in_run_task(exc, idt, task_params) raise exc try: if self._has_item('problem_data', idt) \ and self._has_item('solution_data', idt): 'Task %s, problem data and solution data already ' 'generated', idt) problem_data = self._read_item('problem_data', idt) solution_data = self._read_item('solution_data', idt) else:'Task %s, loading problem', idt) problem = self.get_problem(**task_params['problem_params'])'Task %s, generating problem', idt) problem_params = inspect.signature(problem).parameters for param in source_data.keys(): if param not in problem_params: msg = ( 'Task {}, the output of get_data is not ' 'compatible with the input of the problem ' 'generated using get_problem. The parameter {} is ' 'unexpected.'.format(idt, param)) raise TypeError(msg) problem_data, solution_data = problem(**source_data) self._write_item('problem_data', idt, problem_data) self._write_item('solution_data', idt, solution_data) self.logger.debug('Task %s, problem data : %s', idt, {k: type(v) for k, v in problem_data.items()}) self.logger.debug('Task %s, solution data : %s', idt, {k: type(v) for k, v in solution_data.items()}) except Exception as exc: self._handle_exception_in_run_task(exc, idt, task_params) raise exc try: if self._has_item('solved_data', idt):'Task %s, problem already solved', idt) solved_data = self._read_item('solved_data', idt) else:'Task %s, loading solver', idt) solver = self.get_solver(**task_params['solver_params'])'Task %s, solving problem', idt) solver_params = inspect.signature(solver).parameters for param in problem_data.keys(): if param not in solver_params: msg = ( 'Task {}, the output of the problem generated ' 'using get_problem is not compatible with the ' 'input of the solver generated using get_solver. ' 'The parameter {} is unexpected.'.format(idt, param)) raise TypeError(msg) solved_data = solver(**problem_data) self._write_item('solved_data', idt, solved_data) self.logger.debug('Task %s, solver data : %s', idt, {k: type(v) for k, v in solved_data.items()}) except Exception as exc: self._handle_exception_in_run_task(exc, idt, task_params) raise exc try: if self._has_item('result', idt):'Task %s, performance already measured', idt) result = self._read_item('result', idt) else:'Task %s, measuring performance', idt) result = self.measure( task_params=task_params, source_data=source_data, problem_data=problem_data, solution_data=solution_data, solved_data=solved_data) self._write_item('result', idt, result) self.logger.debug('Task %s, result data: %s', idt, {k: type(v) for k, v in result.items()}) except Exception as exc: self._handle_exception_in_run_task(exc, idt, task_params) raise exc
[docs] def get_pending_task_ids(self): """ Get tasks that have not been run and successfully completed. Returns ------- set Set of pending task ids """ # get the list of task to do no_tasks = self._get_all_items('task_params', only_ids=True) no_results = self._get_all_items('result', only_ids=True) return set(no_tasks).difference(no_results)
[docs] def launch_experiment(self, task_ids=None): """Launch an experiment. Parameters ---------- task_ids : str or list of ints or None List of task ids to run. If str, task ids must be separated by a comma. If None, run pending tasks only to avoid running the same tasks several times. """ if task_ids is None: task_ids = self.get_pending_task_ids() elif isinstance(task_ids, str): task_ids = [int(task) for task in task_ids.split(',')]'Launching {} tasks'.format(len(task_ids))) for idt in task_ids: try: self.run_task_by_id(idt) except Exception as exc: pass
[docs] def collect_results(self): """Collect results from an experiment. Merge all the task results in a :class:`numpy.ndarray` and save the resulting data with axes labels and values in a file. The resulting data are stored in the data directory of the experiment in a file named ``results.npz``. This file contains three :class:`numpy.ndarray`: - results: the collected results, - axes_labels: the labels of the axes of results, - axes_values: the values corresponding to the indexes for all axes of results. The dimensions of the main array ``results`` match the parameters of the tasks and the performance measures (last dimension). More precisely, ``results[i_0, ..., i_j, ..., i_N]`` is the value of the performance measure axes_values[N][i_N] for parameter values ``axes_values[j][i_j]``, ``j < N``, related to parameter names ``axes_label[j]``. The stored data can be loaded using the method :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.load_results`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If no results have been computed prior to running the method. """ # get the tasks and the results tasks_params = self._get_all_items('task_params') results = self._get_all_items('result') if results: measures_names = list(next(iter(results.values())).keys()) else: raise RuntimeError('No result available. Results must be computed ' 'before running collect_results().')'Collecting {} tasks.'.format(len(tasks_params))) # add axes corresponding to the parameters of the experiment schema = self._schema shape = [len(value) for value in schema.values()] shape.append(len(measures_names)) dtype = np.float64 array_results = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) array_results.fill(np.nan) # load the results and store them missing_tasks = dict() for measure in measures_names: missing_tasks[measure] = list() for idt, task in tasks_params.items(): indices = [] for (prefix, name), ticks in schema.items(): indices.append(ticks.index(task[prefix + '_params'][name])) indices.append(slice(None)) indices = tuple(indices) result = np.empty(len(measures_names)) result.fill(np.nan) for idm, measure in enumerate(measures_names): try: result[idm] = results[idt][measure] except KeyError: missing_tasks[measure].append(idt) array_results[indices] = result for measure in measures_names:'Measure `{}`: {} missing tasks.'.format( measure, len(missing_tasks[measure]))) self.logger.debug(missing_tasks) axes_labels = [cat + '_' + param for (cat, param) in schema.keys()] axes_labels.append('measure') axes_labels = np.array(axes_labels, dtype=object) axes_values = np.empty_like(axes_labels, dtype=object) for ind, val in enumerate(schema.values()): axes_values[ind] = np.array(val) axes_values[-1] = np.array(measures_names, dtype=object) np.savez_compressed( str(self.xp_path / 'results.npz'), results=array_results, axes_labels=axes_labels, axes_values=axes_values)
[docs] def load_results(self, array_type='numpy'): """Load the collected results from an experiment. Load the data stored by the method :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.collect_results` in the file ``results.npz``. Parameters ---------- array_type : {'numpy', 'xarray'} Type of output. With the option ``'numpy'``, the output is split into three :class:`numpy.ndarray`, while with the option ``'xarray'`` the output is a single :class:`xarray.DataArray`. Returns ------- (results, axes_labels, axes_values) : tuple of :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returned when using the default option ``array_type='numpy'``. See :meth:`~yafe.base.Experiment.collect_results` for a detailed description. xresults : :class:`xarray.DataArray` Returned when using the option ``array_type='xarray'``. This is equivalent to the case ``array_type='numpy'``, combining all three arrays into a single data structure for improved consistency and ease of use. ``xresults`` can be obtained from ``(results, axes_labels, axes_values)`` as :: xresults = xarray.DataArray(data=results, dims=axes_labels, coords=axes_values) Raises ------ ImportError If the xarray package is not installed and the ``array_type='xarray'`` option is used. ValueError If an unrecognized value is given for ``array_type``. RuntimeError If no collected results file can be found. """ if (self.xp_path / 'results.npz').exists(): data = np.load(str(self.xp_path / 'results.npz'), allow_pickle=True) if array_type == 'numpy': return (data['results'], data['axes_labels'], data['axes_values']) elif array_type == 'xarray': try: import xarray except ImportError: raise ImportError('Please install the xarray package to ' 'run the load_results() method with the ' 'array_type="xarray" option.') return xarray.DataArray(data=data['results'], dims=data['axes_labels'], coords=data['axes_values']) else: errmsg = ('Unrecognized value for array_type, the valid ' 'options are "numpy" and "xarray".') raise ValueError(errmsg) else: raise RuntimeError('No file with collected results available. ' 'Results must be computed and collected before ' 'running load_results().')
def _get_status(self, summary): """Return a string describing the satus of the tasks. Parameters ---------- summary : bool Indicates if only a summary of the status is provided or not. Returns ------- str Status of the tasks. """ ids_tasks = self._get_all_items('task_params', only_ids=True) ids_results = self._get_all_items('result', only_ids=True) ids_errors = self._get_all_items('error_log', only_ids=True) status = '' if summary: status += 'Number of tasks: {}\n'.format(len(ids_tasks)) status += 'Number of finished tasks: {}\n'.format(len(ids_results)) status += 'Number of failed tasks: {}\n'.format(len(ids_errors)) status += 'Number of pending tasks: {}\n'.format( len(ids_tasks) - len(ids_results)) else: for id_task in sorted(ids_tasks): width = 26 nb_digits_id = 6 id_format = '{{:0{nb}d}}'.format(nb=nb_digits_id) status += id_format.format(id_task) if id_task in ids_results: msg = 'OK' else: if id_task in ids_errors: msg = 'ERROR' else: msg = 'NOT CALCULATED' status += '.' * (width-nb_digits_id-len(msg)) + msg + '\n' return status
[docs] def display_status(self, summary=True): """Display the status of the tasks. Parameters ---------- summary : bool, optional Indicates if only a summary of the status is displayed or not. """ print(self._get_status(summary))
[docs] def get_task_data_by_id(self, idt): """Get data for a task specified by its id. Parameters ---------- idt : int Id of the task. Returns ------- dict Task data. Raises ------ ValueError If ``idt`` is not a valid value. """ task_params = self._read_item('task_params', idt) if task_params is None: err_msg = 'Unknown task: {}'.format(idt) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise ValueError(err_msg) source_data = self._read_item('source_data', idt) problem_data = self._read_item('problem_data', idt) solution_data = self._read_item('solution_data', idt) solved_data = self._read_item('solved_data', idt) result = self._read_item('result', idt) return {'id_task': idt, 'task_params': task_params, 'source_data': source_data, 'problem_data': problem_data, 'solution_data': solution_data, 'solved_data': solved_data, 'result': result}
[docs] def get_task_data_by_params(self, data_params, problem_params, solver_params): """Get data for a task specified by its parameters. Parameters ---------- data_params : dict Parameters of generation of the dataset. problem_params : dict Parameters of generation of the problem. solver_params : dict Parameters of generation of the solver. Returns ------- dict Task data. Raises ------ TypeError If parameters are not dict. ValueError If parameters contain unexpected keys or unexpected values. """ if not isinstance(data_params, dict) \ or not isinstance(problem_params, dict) \ or not isinstance(solver_params, dict): msg = 'Parameters must be of type dict.' raise TypeError(msg) msg = 'Wrong keys in {}, the expected keys are: {}.' data_params_names = inspect.signature(self.get_data).parameters if set(data_params.keys()) != set(data_params_names): raise ValueError( msg.format('data_params', ', '.join(data_params_names))) problem_params_names = inspect.signature(self.get_problem).parameters if set(problem_params.keys()) != set(problem_params_names): raise ValueError( msg.format('problem_params', ', '.join(problem_params_names))) solver_params_names = inspect.signature(self.get_solver).parameters if set(solver_params.keys()) != set(solver_params_names): raise ValueError( msg.format('solver_params', ', '.join(solver_params_names))) id_task = None all_tasks_params = self._get_all_items('task_params') params = {'data_params': data_params, 'problem_params': problem_params, 'solver_params': solver_params} for idt, task_params in all_tasks_params.items(): if params == task_params: id_task = idt break if id_task is not None: return self.get_task_data_by_id(id_task) else: err_msg = 'No task exists for the given parameters.' self.logger.error(err_msg) raise ValueError(err_msg)