Source code for tffpy.experiments.exp_solve_tff

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########
# Credits
# #######
# Copyright(c) 2020-2020
# ----------------------
# * Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes <>
# * Université d'Aix-Marseille <>
# * Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique <>
# * Université de Toulon <>
# Contributors
# ------------
# * `Valentin Emiya <>`_
# * `Ama Marina Krémé <>`_
# This package has been created thanks to the joint work with Florent Jaillet
# and Ronan Hamon on other packages.
# Description
# -----------
# Time frequency fading using Gabor multipliers
# Version
# -------
# * tffpy version = 0.1.4
# Licence
# -------
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########
Class `SolveTffExperiment` uses the :class:`yafe.base.Experiment` experiment
framework to handle the main time-frequency fading experiment: It includes
loading the data, generating the problems, applying solvers, and exploiting

See the `documentation <>`_ of
package :py:mod:`yafe` for the technical details.

.. moduleauthor:: Valentin Emiya

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.stats import linregress

from yafe import Experiment
from madarrays import Waveform

from tffpy.datasets import get_mix, get_dataset
from tffpy.tf_fading import GabMulTff, compute_lambda_oracle_sdr
from tffpy.interpolation_solver import solve_by_interpolation
from tffpy.utils import \
    sdr, plot_spectrogram, is_div_spectrum, plot_mask, db, dgt

[docs]class SolveTffExperiment(Experiment): """ The main experiment to solve time-frequency fading problems with a number of sounds mixtures and solvers. Parameters ---------- force_reset : bool If true, reset the experiment by erasing all previous results in order to run it from scratch. If False, the existing results are kept in order to proceed with the existing experiment. suffix : str Suffix that is appended to the name of the experiment, useful to save results in a specific folder. keep_eigenvectors : 'all' or list Use this parameter to remove eigenvectors from `GabMulTff` object after computing performance in order to save space. In this case, the `GabMulTff` will not be usable anymore after the computation of the performance results. If 'all', all eigenvectors are kept. To keep only some eigenvectors, set this parameter to the list of task IDs for which eigenvectors should be kept (usefull if you want to use or plot some task data after the experiments, e.g., using method `plot_task`). If the list is empty, all eigenvectors will be removed. """ def __init__(self, force_reset=False, suffix='', keep_eigenvectors='all'): Experiment.__init__(self, name='SolveTffExperiment' + suffix, get_data=get_data, get_problem=Problem, get_solver=Solver, measure=perf_measures, force_reset=force_reset, log_to_file=False, log_to_console=False) self.fig_dir = self.xp_path / 'figures' # a little trick to save collections when computing performance self.measure = lambda **x: perf_measures(**x, exp=self) self.keep_eigenvectors = keep_eigenvectors @property def n_tasks(self): """ Number of tasks Returns ------- int """ return len(list((self.xp_path / 'tasks').glob('0*')))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_experiment(setting='full', force_reset=False, keep_eigenvectors=None): """ Get the experiment instance with default values in order to handle it. Parameters ---------- setting : {'full', 'light'} If 'full', the default values are set to run the full experiment. If 'light', the default values are set to have a very light experiment with few tasks, running fast, for test purposes. force_reset : bool If true, reset the experiment by erasing all previous results in order to run it from scratch. If False, the existing results are kept in order to proceed with the existing experiment. keep_eigenvectors = 'all' or list See constructor of `SolveTffExperiment`. If None, default values are used. Returns ------- SolveTffExperiment """ assert setting in ('full', 'light') dataset = get_dataset() # Set task parameters data_params = dict(loc_source=list(dataset['localized'].keys()), wideband_src=list(dataset['wideband'].keys())) problem_params = dict(win_choice=['gauss 256', 'hann 512'], wb_to_loc_ratio_db=8, n_iter_closing=3, n_iter_opening=3, closing_first=True, delta_mix_db=0, delta_loc_db=40, or_mask=True, crop=None, fig_dir=None) solver_params = dict(tol_subregions=[None, 1e-5], tolerance_arrf=1e-3, proba_arrf=1 - 1e-4, rand_state=np.arange(10)) keep_eigenvectors = [] if setting == 'light': data_params['loc_source'] = 'bird' data_params['wideband_src'] = 'car' problem_params['win_choice'] = ['gauss 64', 'hann 128'] problem_params['crop'] = 4096 problem_params['delta_loc_db'] = 20 problem_params['wb_to_loc_ratio_db'] = 16 solver_params['tolerance_arrf'] = 1e-2 solver_params['proba_arrf'] = 1 - 1e-2 keep_eigenvectors = [0, 1] # Create Experiment suffix = '' if setting == 'full' else '_Light' exp = SolveTffExperiment(force_reset=force_reset, suffix=suffix, keep_eigenvectors=keep_eigenvectors) exp.add_tasks(data_params=data_params, problem_params=problem_params, solver_params=solver_params) exp.generate_tasks() return exp
[docs] def export_task_params(self, csv_path=None): """ Export task parameters to a csv file and to a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` object. Parameters ---------- csv_path : str or Path Name of the csv file to be written. If None, file is located in the experiment folder with name 'task_params.csv'. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ if csv_path is None: csv_path = self.xp_path / 'task_params.csv' else: csv_path = Path(csv_path) task_list = [] for i_task in range(self.n_tasks): task = self.get_task_data_by_id(idt=i_task) task_list.append({k + '_' + kk: task['task_params'][k][kk] for k in task['task_params'] for kk in task['task_params'][k]}) df = pd.DataFrame(task_list) df.to_csv(csv_path) print('Task params exported to', csv_path) return df
[docs] def generate_tasks(self): """ Generate tasks and export params to a csv file See :py:meth:`yafe.Experiment.generate_tasks` """ Experiment.generate_tasks(self) self.export_task_params()
[docs] def get_misc_file(self, task_params=None, idt=None): """ Get file with some additional task results. This has been set up in order to pass additional data in a way that could not be handled by the :py:mod:`yafe` framework. Parameters ---------- task_params : dict Task parameters. idt : int Task identifier. Either `task_params` or `idt` should be given in order to specify the task. Returns ------- Path File containing additional task results. """ if task_params is not None: task = self.get_task_data_by_params( data_params=task_params['data_params'], problem_params=task_params['problem_params'], solver_params=task_params['solver_params']) idt = task['id_task'] elif idt is None: raise ValueError('Either `task_params` or `idt` should be given.') path_task = self.xp_path / 'tasks' / '{:06}'.format(idt) return path_task / 'misc.npz'
[docs] def plot_results(self): """ Plot and save results of the experiment """ self.fig_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print('Figures saved in {}'.format(self.fig_dir)) results = self.load_results(array_type='xarray') results_std = results.std('solver_rand_state').squeeze() results = results.mean('solver_rand_state').squeeze() coords_dict = results.to_dict()['coords'] csv_path = self.fig_dir / 'exp_solve_pd.csv' results.to_series().to_csv(csv_path, header=True) print('number of nan values:', np.sum(np.isnan(results.values))) # Scatter plot for running times : tff-1 vs. tff-P plt.figure() x = [] y = [] for win_type in coords_dict['problem_win_choice']['data']: t_tff1 = results.sel(measure=['t_lambda_tff', 't_arrf', 't_evdn'], problem_win_choice=win_type, solver_tol_subregions=None) t_tff1 = t_tff1.sum(dim='measure') not_none = coords_dict['solver_tol_subregions']['data'].copy() not_none.remove(None) not_none = not_none[0] t_tffp = results.sel(measure=['t_lambda_tff', 't_arrf', 't_evdn', 't_subreg'], problem_win_choice=win_type, solver_tol_subregions=not_none) t_tffp = t_tffp.sum(dim='measure') if win_type[:5] == 'gauss': win_type_label = 'Gauss' else: win_type_label = 'Hann' slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = \ linregress(t_tff1.values.reshape(-1), t_tffp.values.reshape(-1)) print('Running times ({}): slope={}, intercept={}, 1/slope={},' .format(win_type, slope, intercept, 1 / slope)) plt.plot(t_tff1.values.reshape(-1), t_tffp.values.reshape(-1), '+', label=win_type_label) # plt.plot(t_tff1.values.reshape(-1), # slope * t_tff1.values.reshape(-1) + intercept) x.append(t_tff1.values.reshape(-1).copy()) y.append(t_tffp.values.reshape(-1).copy()) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) # for i in range(x.shape[1]): # plt.plot(x[:, i], y[:, i], ':k') x = x.reshape(-1) y = y.reshape(-1) I = np.logical_and(x!=0, y!=0) x, y = x[I], y[I] slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(x, y) print('Running times (all): slope={}, intercept={}, 1/slope={}, ' 'r_value={}, p_value={}, std_err={}' .format(slope, intercept, 1 / slope, r_value, p_value, std_err)) print('Linear slope (not affine):') print(np.vdot(x, y) / np.vdot(x, x), np.vdot(x, x) / np.vdot(x, y)) log_x, log_y = np.log10(x), np.log10(y) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(log_x, log_y) print('Running times (all-log): slope={}, intercept={}, 1/slope={},' 'r_value={}, p_value={}, std_err={}' .format(slope, intercept, 1 / slope, r_value, p_value, std_err)) print('Linear slope (not affine) - log:') print(np.vdot(log_x, log_y) / np.vdot(log_x, log_x), np.vdot(log_x, log_x) / np.vdot(log_x, log_y)) # plt.plot(x, slope * x + intercept) plt.xlabel(r'Running time for TFF-1 (s)') plt.ylabel(r'Running time for TFF-P (s)') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_exp.pdf') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_exp.png') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_exp_loglog.pdf') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_exp_loglog.png') # Scatter plot for running times : tff-1 and tff-P vs. mask size plt.figure() symbol = '+' for win_type in coords_dict['problem_win_choice']['data']: mask_size_tff1 = results.sel(measure=['mask_size'], problem_win_choice=win_type, solver_tol_subregions=None).squeeze() t_tff1 = results.sel(measure=['t_lambda_tff', 't_arrf', 't_evdn'], problem_win_choice=win_type, solver_tol_subregions=None) t_tff1 = t_tff1.sum(dim='measure') plt.plot(mask_size_tff1.values.reshape(-1), t_tff1.values.reshape(-1), symbol, label='{} - {}'.format('TFF-1', win_type)) not_none = coords_dict['solver_tol_subregions']['data'].copy() not_none.remove(None) not_none = not_none[0] for win_type in coords_dict['problem_win_choice']['data']: mask_size_tffp = results.sel( measure=['mask_size'], problem_win_choice=win_type, solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze() t_tffp = results.sel(measure=['t_lambda_tff', 't_arrf', 't_evdn', 't_subreg'], problem_win_choice=win_type, solver_tol_subregions=not_none) t_tffp = t_tffp.sum(dim='measure') plt.plot(mask_size_tffp.values.reshape(-1), t_tffp.values.reshape(-1), symbol, label='{} - {}'.format('TFF-P', win_type)) plt.ylabel('Running time (s)') plt.xlabel('Mask size') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_masksize_exp.pdf') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_masksize_exp.png') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_masksize_exp_loglog.pdf') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'running_times_masksize_exp_loglog.png') # Scatter plot : SDR vs IS plt.figure() symbol = '+' for k_measure in results.coords['measure'].values: if k_measure[:3] == 'sdr': sdr_res = results.sel(measure=[k_measure]).squeeze() is_res = results.sel(measure=['is' + k_measure[3:]]).squeeze() plt.plot(sdr_res.values.reshape(-1), is_res.values.reshape(-1), symbol, label=k_measure[4:]) plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'sdr_vs_is.pdf') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'sdr_vs_is.png') # Scatter plot : SDR vs IS with polygons sdr_tff1 = results.sel( measure='sdr_tff', solver_tol_subregions=None).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) sdr_tffp = results.sel( measure='sdr_tff', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) sdr_tffo = results.sel( measure='sdr_tffo', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) sdr_interp = results.sel( measure='sdr_interp', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) sdr_zero = results.sel( measure='sdr_zero', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) is_tff1 = results.sel( measure='is_tff', solver_tol_subregions=None).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) is_tffp = results.sel( measure='is_tff', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) is_tffo = results.sel( measure='is_tffo', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) is_interp = results.sel( measure='is_interp', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) is_zero = results.sel( measure='is_zero', solver_tol_subregions=not_none).squeeze().values.reshape(-1) plt.figure() symbol = '+' for i in range(sdr_tff1.size): plt.plot([sdr_tff1[i], sdr_tffp[i], sdr_tffo[i], sdr_zero[i], sdr_interp[i], sdr_tff1[i]], [is_tff1[i], is_tffp[i], is_tffo[i], is_zero[i], is_interp[i], is_tff1[i]], 'k', alpha=0.2) plt.plot(sdr_tff1, is_tff1, symbol, label='TFF-1') plt.plot(sdr_tffp, is_tffp, symbol, label='TFF-P') plt.plot(sdr_tffo, is_tffo, symbol, label='TFF-O') plt.plot(sdr_interp, is_interp, symbol, label='Interp') plt.plot(sdr_zero, is_zero, symbol, label='Zero fill') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.xlabel('SDR') plt.ylabel('IS divergence') plt.yscale('log') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'sdr_vs_is_polygons.pdf') plt.savefig(self.fig_dir / 'sdr_vs_is_polygons.png')
@staticmethod def _get_label(k, tol_subregions): if k.endswith('tffo'): label = 'TFF-O' elif k.endswith('tff'): label = 'TFF-1' if tol_subregions is None else 'TFF-P' elif k.endswith('tffe'): label = 'TFF-E' elif k.endswith('interp'): label = 'Interp' elif k.endswith('zero'): label = 'Zero fill' elif k.endswith('mix'): label = 'Mix' else: raise ValueError('Unknown key: ' + k) return label
[docs] def plot_task(self, idt, fontsize=16): """ Plot and save figures for a specific task Parameters ---------- idt : int Task identifier fontsize : int Fontsize to be used in Figures. """ matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) fig_dir = self.xp_path / 'figures' / 'tasks' / '{:06}'.format(idt) fig_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print('Save figures in:', fig_dir) task = self.get_task_data_by_id(idt=idt) misc_data = np.load(self.get_misc_file(idt=idt)) mask = task['problem_data']['mask'] dgt_params = task['problem_data']['dgt_params'] signal_params = task['problem_data']['signal_params'] x_mix = task['problem_data']['x_mix'] x_wb = task['solution_data']['x_wb'] tol_subregions = task['task_params']['solver_params']['tol_subregions'] gmtff = task['solved_data']['gmtff'] sdr_res = dict() is_res = dict() for k in task['result']: k_suf = k.split('_')[-1] if k.startswith('sdr'): sdr_res[k_suf] = task['result'][k] elif k.startswith('is'): is_res[k_suf] = task['result'][k] lambda_res = dict() for k in misc_data: k_suf = k.split('_')[-1] lambda_res[k_suf] = misc_data[k] plt.figure() plot_mask(mask=mask, hop=dgt_params['hop'], n_bins=dgt_params['n_bins'], fs=signal_params['fs']) plt.title('Area: {} ({:.1%})'.format(mask.sum(), np.average(mask))) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_dir / 'mask.pdf') plt.figure() for i_area in range(gmtff.n_areas): s_vec = gmtff.s_vec_list[i_area] plt.plot(s_vec, label='Sub-region {}'.format(i_area + 1)) plt.xlabel('k') plt.ylabel('$\\sigma_k$') plt.yscale('log') plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_dir / 'gabmul_eigenvalues.pdf') # Results def sdr_wb(lambda_coef): return sdr(x_ref=x_wb, x_est=gmtff.compute_estimate(lambda_coef)) def is_wb(lambda_coef): return is_div_spectrum(x_ref=x_wb, x_est=gmtff.compute_estimate(lambda_coef)) def sdr_wb_1area(lambda_coef, i_area): lambda_vec = np.ones(gmtff.n_areas) lambda_vec[i_area] = lambda_coef return sdr(x_ref=x_wb, x_est=gmtff.compute_estimate(lambda_vec)) l_range = 10 ** np.linspace(-10, 10, 100, endpoint=True) if tol_subregions is None: plt.figure() plt.plot(l_range, [sdr_wb(i) for i in l_range], '-', label='SDR') for k in lambda_res: plt.plot(lambda_res[k], sdr_wb(lambda_res[k]), 'o', label=self._get_label(k=k, tol_subregions=tol_subregions)) else: plt.figure() for i_area in range(gmtff.n_areas): plt.plot(l_range, [sdr_wb_1area(i, i_area) for i in l_range], '-', label='SDR sub-reg {}'.format(i_area + 1)) for k in lambda_res: label_prefix = self._get_label(k=k, tol_subregions=tol_subregions) if not isinstance(lambda_res[k], np.ndarray): plt.plot(lambda_res[k], sdr_wb(lambda_res[k]), 'o', label=label_prefix) continue for i_area in range(gmtff.n_areas): label = '{} {}'.format(label_prefix, i_area + 1) plt.plot(lambda_res[k][i_area], sdr_wb_1area(lambda_res[k][i_area], i_area), 'o', label=label) plt.xlabel('$\\lambda$') plt.ylabel('SDR (dB)') plt.xscale('log') plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_dir / 'tuning_lambda.pdf') if tol_subregions is None: plt.figure() plt.plot(l_range, [is_wb(i) for i in l_range], '-', label='IS') for k in lambda_res: plt.plot(lambda_res[k], is_wb(lambda_res[k]), 'o', label=self._get_label(k=k, tol_subregions=tol_subregions)) plt.xlabel('$\\lambda$') plt.ylabel('IS (dB)') plt.xscale('log') plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_dir / 'tuning_lambda_IS.pdf') fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() color = 'tab:blue' ax1.set_xlabel('$\\lambda$') ax1.set_ylabel('SDR (dB)', color=color) ax1.plot(l_range, [sdr_wb(i) for i in l_range], '-', color=color) for k in lambda_res: ax1.plot(lambda_res[k], sdr_wb(lambda_res[k]), 'o', label=self._get_label(k=k, tol_subregions=tol_subregions)) ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) plt.xscale('log') ax1.grid() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis ax2 = ax1.twinx() color = 'tab:red' ax2.set_xlabel('$\\lambda$') ax2.set_ylabel('IS divergence', color=color) ax2.plot(l_range, [is_wb(i) for i in l_range], '-', color=color) for k in lambda_res: ax2.plot(lambda_res[k], is_wb(lambda_res[k]), 'o', label=self._get_label(k=k, tol_subregions=tol_subregions)) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) fig.tight_layout() ax2.legend() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_dir / 'tuning_lambda_SDR_IS.pdf') x_dict = dict() for k in lambda_res: x_dict[k] = gmtff.compute_estimate(lambda_res[k]) x_dict[k].to_wavfile(fig_dir / 'x_{}.wav'.format(k)) x_dict['interp'] = Waveform(solve_by_interpolation( x_mix=x_mix, mask=mask, dgt_params=dgt_params, signal_params=signal_params), fs=signal_params['fs']) x_dict['interp'].to_wavfile(fig_dir / 'x_interp.wav') for k in sdr_res: print(self._get_label(k=k, tol_subregions=tol_subregions)) print(' - SDR: {:.1f}dB'.format(sdr_res[k])) print(' - IS: {:.1f}'.format(is_res[k])) if k in lambda_res: print(' - lambda: ', lambda_res[k]) x_mix_tf = dgt(sig=x_mix, dgt_params=dgt_params) x_max = db(x_mix_tf).max() clim = x_max - 100, x_max for k in x_dict: plt.figure() plot_spectrogram(x=x_dict[k], dgt_params=dgt_params, fs=signal_params['fs'], clim=clim) plt.title('{} - SDR={:.1f}dB - IS={:.1f}' .format(self._get_label(k=k, tol_subregions=tol_subregions), sdr_res[k], is_res[k])) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_dir / '{}.pdf'.format(k)) plt.figure() plot_spectrogram(x=x_wb, dgt_params=dgt_params, fs=signal_params['fs'], clim=clim) plt.title('True signal') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fig_dir / 'spectrogram_true_wb_source.pdf')
[docs] def get_idt_from_params(self, data_params, problem_params, solver_params): d = self.get_task_data_by_params(data_params=data_params, problem_params=problem_params, solver_params=solver_params) return d['id_task']
[docs]def get_data(loc_source, wideband_src): """ Prepare the input data information for the :py:class:`SolveTffExperiment` experiment. This function is only embedding its input in a dictionary Parameters ---------- loc_source : Path File for the source localized in time-frequency (perturbation) wideband_src : Path File for the source of interest. Returns ------- dict Dictionary to be given when calling the problemm ( see :py:meth:`Problem.__call__`), with keys `'loc_source'` and `wideband_src`. """ return dict(loc_source=loc_source, wideband_src=wideband_src)
[docs]class Problem: """ Problem generation for the :py:class:`SolveTffExperiment` experiment. Parameters ---------- crop : int or None If not None, a cropped, centered portion of the sound will be extracted with the specified length, in samples. win_choice : str String of the form 'name len' where 'name' is a window name and 'len' is a window length, e.g. 'hann 512', 'gauss 256. delta_mix_db : float Coefficient energy ratio, in dB, between the wideband source and the localized source in the mixture in order to select coefficients in the mask. delta_loc_db : float Dynamic range, in dB, for the localized source in order to select coefficients in the mask. wb_to_loc_ratio_db : float Wideband source to localized source energy ratio to be adjusted in the mix. or_mask : bool If True, the mask is build by taking the union of the two masks obtained using thresholds `delta_mix_db` and `delta_loc_db`. If False, the intersection is taken. n_iter_closing : int Number of successive morphological closings with radius 1 (a.k.a. radius of one single closing) n_iter_opening : int Number of successive morphological openings with radius 1 (a.k.a. radius of one single opening) closing_first : bool If True, morphological closings are applied first, followed by openings. If False, the reverse way is used. fig_dir : None or str or Path If not None, folder where figures are stored. If None, figures are not plotted. """ def __init__(self, crop, win_choice, delta_mix_db, delta_loc_db, wb_to_loc_ratio_db, or_mask, n_iter_closing, n_iter_opening, closing_first, fig_dir): win_type, win_len_str = win_choice.split(sep=' ') win_dur = int(win_len_str) / 8000 self.win_dur = win_dur self.win_type = win_type if win_type == 'gauss': self.hop_ratio = 1 / 4 self.n_bins_ratio = 4 else: self.hop_ratio = 1 / 8 self.n_bins_ratio = 2 self.n_iter_closing = n_iter_closing self.n_iter_opening = n_iter_opening self.closing_first = closing_first self.delta_mix_db = delta_mix_db self.delta_loc_db = delta_loc_db self.wb_to_loc_ratio_db = wb_to_loc_ratio_db self.or_mask = or_mask self.crop = crop self.fig_dir = fig_dir
[docs] def __call__(self, loc_source, wideband_src): """ Generate the problem from input data. Parameters ---------- loc_source : Path File for the source localized in time-frequency (perturbation) wideband_src : Path File for the source of interest. Returns ------- problem_data : dict Dictionary to be given to a solver, with keys `'x_mix'` (mix signal), `mask` (time-frequency mask), `dgt_params` (DGT parameters) and `signal_params` (signal parameters). solution_data : dict Dictionary containing problem solutions, with keys `'x_loc'` ( localized signal ) and `x_wb` (wideband signal). """ x_mix, dgt_params, signal_params, mask, x_loc, x_wb = \ get_mix(loc_source=loc_source, wideband_src=wideband_src, crop=self.crop, win_dur=self.win_dur, win_type=self.win_type, hop_ratio=self.hop_ratio, n_bins_ratio=self.n_bins_ratio, n_iter_closing=self.n_iter_closing, n_iter_opening=self.n_iter_opening, closing_first=self.closing_first, delta_mix_db=self.delta_mix_db, delta_loc_db=self.delta_loc_db, wb_to_loc_ratio_db=self.wb_to_loc_ratio_db, or_mask=self.or_mask, fig_dir=self.fig_dir) problem_data = dict(x_mix=x_mix, mask=mask, dgt_params=dgt_params, signal_params=signal_params) solution_data = dict(x_loc=x_loc, x_wb=x_wb) return problem_data, solution_data
[docs]class Solver: """ Solver for the :py:class:`SolveTffExperiment` experiment. This solver is computing * the `TFF-1` of `TFF-P` solution (depending on parameter `tol_subregions`) using a :py:class:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff` instance * the `Interp` solution using function :py:func:`~tffpy.interpolation_solver.solve_by_interpolation` Parameters ---------- tol_subregions : None or float Tolerance to split the mask into sub-regions in :py:class:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff`. tolerance_arrf : float Tolerance for the randomized EVD in :py:class:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff`, see method :py:meth:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff.compute_decomposition`. proba_arrf : float Probability of error for the randomized EVD in :py:class:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff`, see method :py:meth:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff.compute_decomposition`. """ def __init__(self, tol_subregions, tolerance_arrf, proba_arrf, rand_state=0): self.tol_subregions = tol_subregions self.tolerance_arrf = tolerance_arrf self.proba_arrf = proba_arrf self.rand_state = rand_state
[docs] def __call__(self, x_mix, mask, dgt_params, signal_params): """ Apply the solver to estimate solutions from the problem data. The output dictionary is composed of data with keys: * `'x_tff'`: solution estimated by :py:class:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff` * `'x_zero'`: solution when applying the Gabor multiplier (i.e., :math:`\lambda=1`) * `'x_interp'`: solution from function :py:func:`~tffpy.interpolation_solver.solve_by_interpolation` * `'gmtff'`: `GabMulTff` instance * `'t_lambda_tff'`: running times to estimate hyperparameter in method :py:meth:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff.compute_lambda` * `'t_arrf'`: running times to compute range approximation in method :py:meth:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff.compute_decomposition` * `'t_evdn'`: running times to compute EVD in method :py:meth:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff.compute_decomposition` * `'t_uh_x'`: running times to compute additional matrix products in method :py:meth:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff.compute_decomposition` * `'t_subreg'`: running times to split mask into sub-regions in class :py:class:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff` * `'lambda_tff'`: estimated values for hyper-parameters :math:`\lambda_i` estimated by :py:meth:`~tffpy.tf_fading.GabMulTff`.compute_lambda` Parameters ---------- x_mix : nd-array Mix signal mask : nd-array Time-frequency mask dgt_params : dict DGT parameters signal_params : dict Signal parameters Returns ------- dict The estimated solution and additional information """ gmtff = GabMulTff(x_mix=x_mix, mask=mask, dgt_params=dgt_params, signal_params=signal_params, tol_subregions=self.tol_subregions) gmtff.compute_decomposition(tolerance_arrf=self.tolerance_arrf, proba_arrf=self.proba_arrf, rand_state=self.rand_state) # Estimate energy and lambda lambda_tff, t_lambda_tff = gmtff.compute_lambda(x_mix=x_mix) print('Running time to tune lambda (est): {} s'.format(t_lambda_tff)) x_tff = gmtff.compute_estimate(lambda_tff) x_zero = gmtff.compute_estimate(1) x_interp = solve_by_interpolation( x_mix=x_mix, mask=mask, dgt_params=dgt_params, signal_params=signal_params) return dict(x_tff=x_tff, x_zero=x_zero, x_interp=x_interp, gmtff=gmtff, t_lambda_tff=t_lambda_tff, t_arrf=gmtff.t_arrf, t_evdn=gmtff.t_evdn, t_uh_x=gmtff.t_uh_x, t_subreg=gmtff.t_subreg, lambda_tff=lambda_tff)
[docs]def perf_measures(task_params, source_data, problem_data, solution_data, solved_data, exp=None): """ Performance measure, including computation of oracle solutions Parameters ---------- task_params : dict Task parameters source_data : dict Input data problem_data : dict Problem data solution_data : dict Solver output solved_data : dict True solution data exp : SolveTffExperiment The experiment Returns ------- dict All data useful for result analysis including SDR and Itakura-Saito performance, running times, hyperparameter values, mask size, number of sub-regions, estimated rank (summed over sub-regions), lowest singular value. """ x_tff = solved_data['x_tff'] x_zero = solved_data['x_zero'] gmtff = solved_data['gmtff'] lambda_tff = solved_data['lambda_tff'] x_interp = solved_data['x_interp'] x_mix = problem_data['x_mix'] x_wb = solution_data['x_wb'] # Trick for storing additional results misc_file = exp.get_misc_file(task_params=task_params) # Orcale SDR lambda_tffo, t_lambda_tffo = compute_lambda_oracle_sdr(gmtff=gmtff, x_wb=x_wb) x_tffo = gmtff.compute_estimate(lambda_tffo) # Oracle true energy e_target_tffe = np.empty(gmtff.n_areas) x_wb_tf_mat = dgt(x_wb, dgt_params=gmtff.dgt_params) for i_area in range(gmtff.n_areas): mask_i = gmtff.mask == i_area + 1 x_wb_tf_masked = mask_i * x_wb_tf_mat e_target_tffe[i_area] = \ np.linalg.norm(x_wb_tf_masked, 'fro') ** 2 lambda_tffe, t_lambda_tffe = gmtff.compute_lambda( x_mix=x_mix, e_target=e_target_tffe) x_tffe = gmtff.compute_estimate(lambda_tffe) solutions = dict(tffo=x_tffo, tff=x_tff, tffe=x_tffe, zero=x_zero, mix=x_mix, interp=x_interp) sdr_res = {'sdr_' + k: sdr(x_ref=x_wb, x_est=x) for k, x in solutions.items()} is_res = {'is_' + k: is_div_spectrum(x_ref=x_wb, x_est=x) for k, x in solutions.items()} np.savez(misc_file, lambda_tffe=lambda_tffe, lambda_tffo=lambda_tffo, lambda_tff=lambda_tff) running_times = dict(t_lambda_tffe=np.sum(t_lambda_tffe), t_lambda_tffo=np.sum(t_lambda_tffo), t_lambda_tff=np.sum(solved_data['t_lambda_tff']), t_arrf=np.sum(solved_data['t_arrf']), t_evdn=np.sum(solved_data['t_evdn']), t_uh_x=np.sum(solved_data['t_uh_x']), t_subreg=solved_data['t_subreg'] ) features = dict(mask_size=np.sum(gmtff.mask > 0), mask_ratio=np.mean(gmtff.mask > 0), n_subregions=gmtff.n_areas, rank_sum=np.sum([s.size for s in gmtff.s_vec_list]), lowest_sv=np.min([np.min(s) for s in gmtff.s_vec_list]) ) idt = exp.get_idt_from_params(**task_params) if exp.keep_eigenvectors != 'all' and idt not in exp.keep_eigenvectors: sd = exp._read_item(type_item='solved_data', idt=idt) sd['gmtff'].u_mat_list = [None for _ in sd['gmtff'].u_mat_list] exp._write_item(type_item='solved_data', idt=idt, content=sd) return dict(**running_times, **sdr_res, **is_res, **features)
[docs]def create_and_run_light_experiment(): """ Create a light experiment and run it """ exp = SolveTffExperiment.get_experiment(setting='light', force_reset=True) print('*' * 80) print('Created experiment') print(exp) print(exp.display_status()) print('*' * 80) print('Run task 0') task_data = exp.get_task_data_by_id(idt=0) print(task_data.keys()) print(task_data['task_params']['data_params']) problem = exp.get_problem( **task_data['task_params']['problem_params']) print(problem) print('*' * 80) print('Run all') exp.launch_experiment() print('*' * 80) print('Collect and plot results') exp.collect_results()